Sunday, December 28, 2008

Save Money !

I like many people kept the same auto insurance provider for many years. I had two motorcycles and two cars insured by them. I was not pleased with the amount I was paying to begin with, but due to my age I thought it was the best I could do. Then I decided to trade one of my cars for a motorcycle. So I called up my insurance provider to add the bike and drop the car. Now this was far from an expensive motorcycle or a fast motorcycle and was a project to say the least. When I called my premium was going to go up $80 a month for liability on a bike worth maybe $800.

So I called around and was pleasantly surprised. I was watching TV and saw a Geico ad, I checked out the website and got a free price quote for all of my vehicles. Didn't take but 15 minutes and I saved nearly $100 a month for the same coverage I was getting with my previous provider. When I called to make the deal final, I saved even more money with the multi vehicle discount. I saved $40 a month on my truck and $80 a month on my motorcycles. I couldn't believe it, I only wish I would have switched sooner. Now when ever I have a Friend complain about insurance cost I tell them to check out Geico.